Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bubbas 4th Birthday

I'm 4!

A playgroup from the base happened to be celebrating all the August birthdays on Dante's birthday so we had an early morning mini party decorating cupcakes.

Back at the hotel we went swimming and then that night we opened presents. A birthday party in a hotel with no friends just doesn't seem right but Dante seemed pretty satisfied so that's all that really matters in the end.

Churra- The Meat Lovers Paradise

So hubby and I went out on another grown up dinner date. This time to a local Brazilian Restaurant named Churra'. We both heard good things about it, it was a little expensive, but it ended up being great food and a really nice upbeat atmosphere.

We started at the appetizer/salad buffet. I went  through and got a little sample of EVERYTHING except the french fries and onion rings. I  still can't figure out why they serve those but I swear every Italian that went through the buffet line got some. I have no clue what I had on my plate but most of it was pretty good.


A bacon wrapped onion that I will have to figure out how to make because it was so yummy.

When you finish with your appetizers, they start bringing out the meat on long skewers and slice you off a few pieces at a time. We had turkey, chicken, sausage, manzo (steer), pork loin, and pork ribs. For me, the turkey and the pork loin were the best ones but all of it was deliciously seasoned and very tender. There were about 4 guys with different meats that just make the rounds throughout the restaurant. You never have an empty plate. Look at that meat loving smile on my husband's face.

Keep this on your table for as long as your little carniverous heart desires.

When you have had all the meat you can stand just turn it over.

After dinner they bring you a skewer of cinnamon sugar crusted pineapple. And Surprise! It was good too!

The band played some good Italian music and we even got to meet the lead singer. After we met, he dedicated a song to me. Have no idea what the words were, but Deron said he better not be saying anything crazy or he's going to have to go have a word with him. Ha ha!

Italians eat dinner very late, usually after 8pm. At 11:00pm when we were finishing up, a couple of groups of people were just coming in to eat with their children! If I tried to take my kids to dinner at 11 they would either fall asleep in the car on the way over or be more than a little uncooperative from sheer exhaustion.

Yet another successful dinner outing. Hopefully they keep coming! Bon Appetito!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Night out at Turistico Beach Park

Hubby and I got the chance to go out to a grown up restaurant this past weekend. I wanted to go to the least kid friendly place we could find! One of the hotel staff recommended Turistico Beach Park which is in the city of Bacoli.
Insalata di Mare
which ended up being mostly octupus with a few shrimp and calamari

Fettucini al pesto di provola e noci

Souffle di cioccolato

Pieno e contento

On the drive home we saw a bit of the nightlife. Mostly people just hanging outside on the sidewalks and streets in front of bars socializing. In Italy a bar is where people go get coffee but they also serve pastries and liquor.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Caserta Palace

The first stone of the Caserta Palace was laid on Jan 20, 1752. The architect was Luigi Vanvitelli who followed the work until he died in 1773. It was built for the Bourbon Kings and cost over 6 million ducats. The Palace consists of the Royal Apartments and the English Garden behind the palace.

These are the steps that lead up to the Royal Apartments

I'm not sure if you're supposed to ride on the ancient lion statues but that's how the Hudsons roll sometimes

Take one guess as to what body part my three year old made sure everyone noticed??

Almost every room has a beautifully painted ceiling

The Throne Room

I think everyone needs a good birdcage clock and a bull clock don't you?

Out back of the palace is the Royal Park. It expands for 120 hectares. 1 hectare=2.471 acres. You do the math because that's not my strong subject.

The Margherita Fountain

Beyond this body of water are many other fountains and a waterfall but we were too tired to make the trek all the way up there. I'm sure we'll go back one day so I'll post pics at a later date. It's a great place to have a picnic and let the kids run around.