Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome To My Hood- The Remix

So in my last blog post I showed you the journey we took to get into our Italy home. These last few months that we've been here we've settled into a routine, gotten out and about in the neighborhood, and sometimes see the strangest things!
Three days a week Dante goes to preschool which fortunately is right down the street from our house. So unless it's raining we usually walk to school and these are some of the things that we see every day.

The little old lady that lives in this house doesn't speak a lick of English but she lets us pick oranges off her tree.

These guys are always up early with us.

We see these guys before and after school and they are always on the roof!

There are several different trucks that drive through the neighborhood yelling through a megaphone to tell people what they are selling. If you're interested then you just come outside and can make your purchase. These trucks typically have fruits and veggies or dry goods. This guy sells fagioli (beans)!

Just a short walk down this street and you come to the main road of Via Roma.

There are a lot of shops on  this street ranging from clothing, hardware, cafes, fruits and veggies, and you can also find the traveling salesman.

Coffee Shops are called Bars

                                             A little mini market with fresh bread out front

As much beauty as Italy has to offer there is also tons of graffiti. Everyone is professing their love!

This guy is right in front of our house

Don't you hate when you are stuck in traffic right around the corner from your house???

I'm really enjoying discovering new things in our neighborhood. The boys and I found a good pizza place that we've gone to for lunch a couple times as well as a candy store with fresh pastries and cookies. And whenever we need a taste of American living, the base is only a few minutes away.

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