Tuesday, September 18, 2012


There are so many little day to day things I've experienced since being here that really don't have enough pictures or information to have their own post, so I thought I would combine several of them together. These are the random, cool, and strange things I see and experience on a regular basis.

The sidewalks in our area are few and far between. And I have yet to see a bike lane anywhere. So quite often the drivers here are forced to share the road with people walking or riding bikes casually in the middle of the road.

The escalators in the malls don't have steps! I love this! You can take your cart or stroller up or down without having to find the elevator.

Naples also isn't known for their adherence to basic traffic laws. It's pretty much a free for all. As long as you don't hit someone, anything goes! As seen here with a family of four on a moped. This is a very common occurence.

The Italian ice cream man! Selling "granite" which is similar to a slushy.

Dryers are a luxury item here so laundry gets hung out to dry daily.

Bucket full of snails being sold at a local open air market. I'm still not sure what they are used for here.

We live in a somewhat rural part of town. There are a couple of different flocks of sheep that graze in our area so I have gotten stuck in sheep traffic many times.

While all of these things are somewhat strange to us Americans, this is the norm to the people of Naples!

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